Join Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht, author of "Beyond Disorderly Eating: The Truth About Sugar & Bingeing & How to Stop It", as she shares her professional & personal experiences in helping the millions of individuals who are eating & drinking themselves sick.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Clues Below the Surface
In the practice of self-hypnosis, we work with active imagery/metaphors to help us understand complicated concepts, so that we can effect change with less efforting. The octopus is an excellent image for helping us to see the different aspects of disorderly eating.
With the above octopus image, you can see the disorderly eating poking it's head out of the sea. While this is so in most cases, there are some individuals who have little awareness of how badly they eat. One of the reasons for this is cultural. Our current society has truly slipped nutritionally & there are few good role models walking around. It worries me to think about the future. Who will our children emulate? Certainly the food industry is not set up with this in mind!
Below the surface we can see some of the tentacles that are involved in disorderly eating issues. I'll be discussing these in greater detail later in this blog. These are all covered in our book Beyond Disorderly Eating: The Truth About Sugar & Bingeing & How to Stop.
A good assessment of family & personal medical history is paramount in managing any & all disorderly eating issues. There are certain disease states that may be present in parents & grandparents that cause the pancreas of the individual with the disorderly eating to over-produce insulin & to build insulin resistance. This is a huge connection, not only to weight issues, but also to emotional & compulsive issues.
A trip down memory lane to the early placement of triggers, patterns, behaviors, etc. is extremely beneficial. We all began our food relationships at the beginning of life. We also connected our body image, self-image, self-esteem & other mind programs to our food relationships. In the practice of self-hypnosis, we can edit what doesn't work, while also enhancing what does work. We can also give our early child new tools, new choices & new outcomes. The subconscious mind believes whatever is placed in hypnotic suggestion, even if it didn't actually happen. However, there is an exception & a very important one. The inner mind will not accept any suggestion that is against the value system of the individual.
There are a few other tentacles under the surface. They include important relationships, such as that with a significant other, addictions history & emotional balance or imbalance. All of these need awareness & tending. The tools of interactive self-hypnosis help us to explore these important areas & to mind-edit changes, just like with the early child experience mentioned above.