Join Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht, author of "Beyond Disorderly Eating: The Truth About Sugar & Bingeing & How to Stop It", as she shares her professional & personal experiences in helping the millions of individuals who are eating & drinking themselves sick.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Train Ride - Future-Pacing
Just as it's normal to practice regression, we all do something called "future-pacing." That means that we talk about the future, as if it were really happening. Not only that, but we emotionalize the images, despite the fact that they are purely fantasy. That's what "worrying" is all about...thought fantasy with negative marinade. Of course, we also "future-pace" with positive emotions, but most of us tend to hang out in the negative realm. A few blog/entries ago I introduced you to the time-line & discussed where that part of your memory resides. For some people it is behind them; others in front. Neither of thes positions work well. It's best to have the future to the right or left, with the past memories running in the other direction. That allows one to observe, edit or plant new images with ease.
When we have disorderly eating or addiction issues we have to be careful with future-pacing negative outcomes. Remember, the subconscious mind does not judge, but just follows what is planted. If you plant future failure, that's what you will experience. If you do not believe in your ability to succeed at changing old behaviors, then you won't be able to do so. It's like driving down a road of potholes that you wished into existence & then finding them there. Start to pay attention to your own thoughts...& then your own words as they tumble off of your tongue. It's also a helpful mind-practice to listen to others programming their negative future goals. You won't have to look far. Listen around the office water-cooler or turn on cable news. Just listen to other people conversing. It's truly amazing. Then, have a look at the written word. If you are a social networker, watch the twitter screen. You won't have to wait long.
There is something else to consider. Negative chatter, as well as negative moods are contagious. People who think like this do want others to join in. Pay attention & see if you can spot the "invitations." Sometimes it will be verbal, but other times it might be a glance or some other non-verbal sign, wanting to pull you into the negativity. If you are with people who gossip, or who are nay-sayers, or who are pessimistic, you should be able to sense their energy. It's truly a mindbody experience. Check you body to see if you can spot tension developing...often in the back, neck or stomach. Notice if you have a desire to back up or even run away. These are all signs that your mindbody wants to move towards a more balanced environment.
When working with disorderly eating, there are often many negative mind-programs already in place. In the past segments, you've had the opportunity to remove & edit some of them. Now, I'd like to teach you some techniqus for protecting yourSelf from negativity, as well as future-pacing only positive goals. Once again, I'll ask you to join me on my personal "train ride", as I take care of some of my business.
This experiential blog/workshop is based on my new book, "How Many Cookies Will It Take to Make Me Happy?" If you are new to my writing, you might want to read the earlier mini-chapters. They are available on FaceBook, The PublishersMarketPlace & at the following link. Remember to scan down to find the earliest chapters & work your way up.
A bit of background.... we are working with creative Interactive Self-Hypnosis imagery, planting suggestions directly into the creative subconscious mind as you read along. What appears like a story is a series of self-hypnotic sessions, designed to bring about desired lifestyle changes. The inner mind is creative & rather child-like, loving to play with images, especially when they are emotionalized. Just like the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words", well-planted mind images, can be worth hours of therapy. We can actually change or motivate in 1/200th of a second. So come along & look forward to some lifestyle-changing events
You already know your way to the train station & so I'd like you to come aboard with me. This is my train & we're going to be riding up into my future. As you look out the window, you might be surprised to see many areas are well-planted. We actually plant our future all day long. As you practice "heightened awareness", you will become more cognizant of your own future-planting. Negative-based plants are not healthy looking & you might notice that while I have some, I don't have many. This is not by accident, but instead, by careful review of what's planted & continual removal of any plants that do not serve me well. Of course, this takes some work on my part & careful attention to detail. This is accomplished through daily meditative exercises, which you will be learning, as well as living inside the "golden egg shape" while staying outside of the "circus of the world", as much as possible. If you've been reading along, you are familiar with this imaginology.
We're going to get off the train here. I've noticed some negative plants that actually came from others. I wasn't paying close attention & so they slipped in. I was hanging around some people who were fear-mongering about the economy. I actually remember thinking, "well maybe they are right." That was enough to dig the dirt for the negative plant. Now, while negative things can & do happen, that is very different from planting negative expectations. That is not something we do! Everything on the future time-line is about successful outcomes. Negativity doesn't live here. As I look around the area where this plant was placed, I notice other weeds. These are connected to my stress eating that connects by an under-ground root system to the primary negative planting.
When we are around negative chit-chat, the first thing is to wake-up to what's going on. Conversation, no matter how innocent, forms subconscious mind suggestions, unless you stop it. This can be done quite easily. Since you are already awake to it, simply enter your "golden egg". That mind-exercise tells your subconscious mind that these suggestions are outside of you & not to be planted.
Since I'm in this area of my future, I'll take the opportunity to plant some positive things here. I can do this through actual images of what I want, or I can sprinkle positive affirmations on this whole area. I think I'll do both...
Copyright 2009 Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
May not be copied or reproduced without permission of the author.
Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht is author of Sugar...the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick It. She is also the writer/producer of over 350 mp3/CD programs in the areas of medicine, health, prevention, addictions, self-development & sports for adults & children.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Exploring Regression - The Train Ride
It's natural to regress or to review our past. In fact, we do it all the time. In the work we're doing here is "regression specific." We want to remember & possibily edit all the subconscious mind files that are related to specific disorderly eating behaviors & there are most likely many of them. In the past, you may not have wanted to explore these, mainly because you were probably reviewing them through the perception of guilt or shame, but that is not the case now. Your Unbalanced Self no longer requires the presence of these emotional states, for this part of you is only interested in getting unhealthy behaviors or habits into the light, where they can be healed & then edited for future health. Your Therapeutic Self & TeacherSelf have made it clear that mistakes are nothing more than exploring a way "not to do something." The only thing that was missing in the past, was moving past the way "not to do something" & putting in place what you want, just as if you already had that behavior or habit in place.
This experiential blog/workshop is based on my new book, "How Many Cookies Will It Take to Make Me Happy?" If you are new to my writing, you might want to read the earlier mini-chapters. They are available on FaceBook, The PublishersMarketPlace & at the following link. Remember to scan down to find the earliest chapters & work your way up.
A bit of background.... we are working with creative Interactive Self-Hypnosis imagery, planting suggestions directly into the creative subconscious mind as you read along. What appears like a story is a series of self-hypnotic sessions, designed to bring about desired lifestyle changes. The inner mind is creative & rather child-like, loving to play with images, especially when they are emotionalized. Just like the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words", well-planted mind images, can be worth hours of therapy. We can actually change or motivate in 1/200th of a second. So come along & look forward to some lifestyle-changing events
I designed a program for my office clients that I called "The Train Ride." I also recorded it as a CD/mp3 because it worked so well. Once again, the train is an imaginology "containment", that allows for the subconscious mind to bring up specific memories, as well as to plant new thought programs. The train ticket is either regressive specific or future specific. Obviously, the train only goes one way at a time. That, in itself, is useful because in our normal, everyday thinking, we tend to go both ways at the same time, often bring confusion & lack of focus to the project. Once again, you do not have to be deep in hypnotic trance to utilize containment imagery. I do suggest that you put time aside for it, especially when first visiting & editing old memories. After that, you can jump into the containment at any time, in any moment.
Let me invite you onto my train, as we explore some areas that are connected to my personal eating issues. Imagine that we're at the train station, sitting on a bench, waiting for the train. This is a good time to relax deeply, in preparation for the suggestions that will be forthcoming. You might remember that a few slow, deep breaths will do it. Also plug into your "desire" to come along with me to a place where you will be learning how to take care of yourSelf in new ways. Please sense "desire" in your body, as well as in your mind. Emotions are chemical states that can be enhanced or diminished. In this case, we want to enhance "desire". Get excited about this new learning, for you should be excited. These images can change your life as you know it.
The train is pulling into the station. Pay attention to the details of the train, as this will slow your brain waves further, making suggestions easier to plant. The conductor has now put down the steps & we're climbing up & in. Come sit over here next to me. The train is all windows, allowing us to see very clearly. The conductor gave me a special button for stopping the train whenever I choose. As the train starts, sense the motion. We're going back in time in my life. You are simply an invited guest. I'm almost ready to push the button. We haven't gone back too far....just to earlier this week when I was having some desire to binge in the middle of the night. This is part of my "secret night eating" that has gone on for decades. I haven't had it for awhile & while I have some good ideas as to why this came back to announce itself, I want to ask my Self of that night, some specific questions. I also want to give her the opportunity to tell me about it, as well as what she needs from me. Obviously, I wasn't taking care of something.
The train has stopped & we can get off. My Self of that night is waiting. I'll introduce you. That way she can relax & not be fearful. Criticism, fear, guilt, shame & the like are never part of inner visits. I'm being invited to sit on a rock-chair by a stream. It's very peaceful here. This environment was not something I planned, but instead, was delivered by my subconscious helping mind. I speak of my concern & begin to ask some exploration questions....gently & with concern. The Self is now ready to share. I've come to realize that the amount of stress delivered during this period of time was very high & unrelenting. Since I have a tendency to compulsive, workaholism, the level of stress chemicals produced was way above "normal". I have a long history of releasing on food & this is what this Self became involved in doing. She was supported by Selves of the past who backed her up. My Therapeutic Self has now arrived, along with my TeacherSelf. We all just sit quietly, listening to the brook & sensing the light that is covering us. That is my Higher Self/Power who is helping us to release. Releasing through the light is a powerful tool for me & I invite you to utilize it as well. It's always available. Once the release has been completed, I tell this Self very clearly that it is no longer necessary to release on food. I ask her to remind all parts of me, to wake me up, should I be lost in workaholism. She agrees...the conductor now asks us to board the train. We're ready to move on now...
Copyright 2009 Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
May not be copied or reproduced without permission of the author.
Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht is author of Sugar...the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick It. She is also the writer/producer of over 350 mp3/CD programs in the areas of medicine, health, prevention, addictions, self-development & sports for adults & children.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Introducing the Time-Line
There are many mindbody concepts or tools for the management of disorderly eating & addictions. In this blog/workshop, I'm introducing you to them in these short mini-chapters. Once they're displayed, then I will be able to go back & pull them up, to manage specific underlying issues, just as I would if you, the reader, were in my private office.
Let's have a look at this very important concept, that of the Time-Line. We all exist on a time line. We have a past, a present & a future. All are valuable resources, just waiting to be mined. You already know that your subconscious mind is vst, but very organized. In the last chapter you worked with some old DVD programs that live on the shelves of the "library of your mind." This unique metaphor can be designed to meet your own belief systems. If you believe in past life regression, you might hae a time line that goes back many centuries, as well as forward, throught those yet to unfold. However, for the purpose of this book, time lines will be considered from the moment of birth, completing at death.
This experiential blog/workshop is based on my new book, "How Many Cookies Will It Take to Make Me Happy?" If you are new to my writing, you might want to read the earlier mini-chapters. They are available on FaceBook, The PublishersMarketPlace & at the following link. Remember to scan down to find the earliest chapters & work your way up.
A bit of background.... we are working with creative Interactive Self-Hypnosis imagery, planting suggestions directly into the creative subconscious mind as you read along. What appears like a story is a series of self-hypnotic sessions, designed to bring about desired lifestyle changes. The inner mind is creative & rather child-like, loving to play with images, especially when they are emotionalized. Just like the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words", well-planted mind images, can be worth hours of therapy. We can actually change or motivate in 1/200th of a second. So come along & look forward to some lifestyle-changing events
Take a piece of paper & draw a simple line. On one end place the word "birth" & on the other end, the word "death." Somewhere on your tine is this very moment, "the now." Everything that happened before "now" is your past & forward is your future. It's as simple as that.
You are meandering on this time-line each moment yu are involved in talking or thinking about the past, the present, or the future. However, most of these moments are on automatic pilot, not designed for specific goal achievement or disorderly eating management. As you begin to wake up to more of these moments, you might be surprised to find that instead of working towards your desired goals, you are going towards them.
The time-line can offer tremendous value to your self-development & certainly to the management of your current issues. Throught this book you have been in contact with your time-line, even from the very first chapters, but now you are ready to apply some additional exercises that will benefit all areas of your life & certainly your disorderly eating issues.
Memories are stored in a very organized linear fashion on the time-line. The past lines up in one direction & the future in another. For good management purposes, it helps to know the direction of each. This is quite easy to do. Simply think of a past event, perhaps what you had for breakfast this morning. Your eyes will go to the left or to the right as you choose to recall this information. This is the direction of your past time-line. Now think of where you are going to go later this afternoon. Your eyes will turn in the direction of your future time-line. For most people, the past is to the left & the future to the right, but sometimes it is reversed. However, sometimes the past of future lines are behind or totally in front & these positions can sometimes interfere with current thought processes or with planting or gathering resources.
People who have their past time-lines in front are often lost in the past, making it difficult to move forward. On the other hand, if the past is positioned to the rear, it is difficult to reach into the wealth of assets waiting to be gathered. Future time-lines that are behind, present problems for planting resources. The old adage" out of sigh, out of mind" helps us to understand what happens with a misplaced time-line. So, while you don't want to trip on your past or future, you do want to have them easily accessible.
Going back on the time-line is called regression. This type of regression has nothing to do with past life experiences. Every time you look at old picture, you are practicing regression. Sometimes we don't like looking at ourselves in certain periods of our life & while that is fine, it's a good idea to know why we have those feelings. These are often clues that are attached to disorderly eating issues or addiction & we can consider bringing them into the light, either on our own, or with a therapist. In addition, when you practice regression, it is important to go back in time as a mature adult & not in the mindbody of the child who experienced these moments in time. This way, you are always with your Therapeutic Self & in command of the situation, giving you the opportunity to collect power resources from past experiences, as well as to bring "healing gifts" to your earlierSelves that live on the time-line.
Copyright 2009 Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
May not be copied or reproduced without permission of the author.
Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht is author of Sugar...the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick It. She is also the writer/producer of over 350 mp3/CD programs in the areas of medicine, health, prevention, addictions, self-development & sports for adults & children.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Tuning In the Wide-Screen TV
Everything that you have ever experienced is recorded in your subconscious mind in an orderly fashion, but in order to utilize it, you must retrieve it with some sort of containment or "fishing" tool. You have already been working with some of these containments. The Theater of the Mind & the SchoolHouse are two examples. You already know that the emotional childSelf carries DVD's in it's backpack, often playing them on a whim. Here you will be accessing the Wide Screen Television, along with the DVD player, giving you the opportunity to view & review & then edit, just as you did in the Theater of the Mind. As you do this, the newly edited version will replace the old version in the library of the mind. At the same time, your emotional childSelf will come to know the new version, as well as when to suggest it in the thought processes. This is another example of the childSelf helping instead of hindering.
This experiential blog/workshop is based on my new book, "How Many Cookies Will It Take to Make Me Happy?" If you are new to my writing, you might want to read the earlier mini-chapters. They are available on FaceBook, The PublishersMarketPlace & at the following link. Remember to scan down to find the earliest chapters & work your way up.
A bit of background.... we are working with creative Interactive Self-Hypnosis imagery, planting suggestions directly into the creative subconscious mind as you read along. What appears like a story is a series of self-hypnotic sessions, designed to bring about desired lifestyle changes. The inner mind is creative & rather child-like, loving to play with images, especially when they are emotionalized. Just like the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words", well-planted mind images, can be worth hours of therapy. We can actually change or motivate in 1/200th of a second. So come along & look forward to some lifestyle-changing events
Relax & slow your brain waves. This is as simple as taking a deep yawn breath & deciding to allow your body to be pulled down into the chair while you read the next few paragraphs. There's nothing else to do & no where to go. This time is reserved for your own self-growth, looking forward to managing any issues that may have been bothering you including any eating issues. You are already inside your Workshop & the wide screen television is over there, along with the DVD & controls. Notice the shelves holding the DVD collections. The shelves on the left contail old DVD/s, including everything you have evr experienced through any of your senses. While these experiences truly happened, that are all recorded in a particular perception "flavor." Some of these are not helpful to current goals & desires & so may benefit from some editing. Old DVD's are also great resources for building resilience & adding power to new goals. Resilience is found in past success, as well as in past failures. Imaginology allows you to alter the marinade of any DVD, often turning it from a de-motivator into a powerful pro-motivator.
The shelves on the right are filled with future DVD's. Some are blank disks, ready for recording, others holding new experiences that haven't happened as yet. Some you have already programmed through the power of expectations, while others are pre-programmed for practicing different possibilities & experiences. Some of your pre-programs may be based on negative expectation & therefore are not in your best interest. It's very possible that some include expectations of failure, as you work with your addiction or disorderly eating. I'll be showing you how to locate & edit these for success.
Let's practice. Do know that even if an image slips on & off your mind screen, your subconscious mind is aware of what you are doing & programming is taking place. Begin by choosing an old DVD, one that has to do with your disorderly eating, bingeing or addiction. Maybe it is an old eating behavior, or a scene where you are with friends & having a difficult time making healthy choices. Choose to relax even deeper now. This will enhance your focus. Watch the wide screen, paying attention to what's going on. Listen to the sound track. Notice that you can choose to focus in on specific areas, as well as slow down the action. You already know that you are the writer, director & producer of each of your productions. Each DVD in your collection is a production of yours!
You may be wondering how you could possibly benefit from something that has already ahppened. Keep in mind that everything is recorded through perceptions & all of these can be changed to your benefit. Every failure can be seen through new eyes, or a change in perception. Let's say that you are reviewing the experience of a negtive eating behavior. You can edit this quite simply by indicating that you are practicing behaviors that you do not want. You can then bring in new actors to demonstrate what you do want, having them works side by side. Make certain that the correct signs are hanging over each actor's performance! You can take this a step further by making the undesired behavior a black & white boring affair. Paint the desired behaviors in bright colors, moving the stage forward into clear view.
Copyright 2009 Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
May not be copied or reproduced without permission of the author.
Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht is author of Sugar...the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick It. She is also the writer/producer of over 350 mp3/CD programs in the areas of medicine, health, prevention, addictions, self-development & sports for adults & children.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
The Workshop of the Mind
The subconscious mind is huge...think of it as six football fields filled with information, all belonging to you. Unfortunately, most of us utilize less than 2%, which is a very sad commentary, but it doesn't have to be that way. In the world of imaginology we utilize "containments" as specialized, organizational images, helping the subconscious mind to retrieve, as well as plant new suggestions. This concept helps us greatly in the management of disorderly eating. What I've always found interesting, is that when one area of life becomes ordered or organized, other areas are soon to follow, thereby breaking the mindSet of "hopeless & helpless".
Here I'm going to introduce you to one of my most favorite "containments", that of the Workshop of the Mind. It is within these walls that wonderful things will take place, perhaps things that you have never, ever conceived in your mind's eye. This is a very private place & I'll be encouraging you to "decorate" the image, making it your very own. This will not only enhance your desire to play here, but your very own subconscious mind will participate in the creative development. As you participate within the imagery, you will find yourSelf working directly with your creative mind, building as well as changing already present structures. My personal Workshop has been undergoing revisions for several decades, rather like upgrading a home. We change with time & what worked or didn't work years ago, needs to be re-worked or let go, making room for new things. There are so many choices open to us, not only about goals, but of behaviors & healthy habits to develop. Perhaps you never thought in this way before, but before is not now. You can choose to think & act differently....& you don't have to wait for tomorrow. Today works just as well.
This experiential blog/workshop is based on my new book, "How Many Cookies Will It Take to Make Me Happy?" If you are new to my writing, you might want to read the earlier mini-chapters. They are available on FaceBook, The PublishersMarketPlace & at the following link. Remember to scan down to find the earliest chapters & work your way up.
A bit of background.... we are working with creative Interactive Self-Hypnosis imagery, planting suggestions directly into the creative subconscious mind as you read along. What appears like a story is a series of self-hypnotic sessions, designed to bring about desired lifestyle changes. The inner mind is creative & rather child-like, loving to play with images, especially when they are emotionalized. Just like the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words", well-planted mind images, can be worth hours of therapy. We can actually change or motivate in 1/200th of a second. So come along & look forward to some lifestyle-changing events
Relax deeply & read through the next paragraphs, just as if you were reading any novel. There is nothing special you need to do. The images will form all by themselves. This is your creativeSelf at work. Early in the book, you entered your MindBody Health Garden. This is a great beginning image, setting the subconscious mind for going forward. Pass this garden & you will see a signpost for your "Inner Workshop." Follow the route & soon you will come upon it. The Workshop is a place in your mind where you go to work on yourSelf. It is a private place & while others are welcome, they only come by your invitation & to work in "your" behalf, not theirs. This is especially important for those of you with disorderly issues or addictions, because you are very used to putting others first.
Right now, sense the image of your Workshop in your mind's eye. Simply think it. Build it exactly as you would like it. There might be a building or place in the past that you would like to utilize for this purpose & that is fine. Sometimes we have a safe place from childhood. For me, it is an old barn that sat on the property of my best friend, where I would escape the outside world to adventure in my dreams. It was here that I calmed myself while designing my future fantasies. If you don't have such a place in your memory bank, simply go & build one for yourself right now. You can place it wherever you like, be it at the ocean, high in the mountains, or even in the middle of a city. Choose the structure, color, windows, roof pitch, landscaping, etc. Allow yourSelf to wallow in the details.
Feel the entrance key in your pocket & open the front door. It may squeek a bit because you haven't been here in awhile. Look around, noticing the furnishings, floor coverings, windows, collectibles, perhaps plants, books & even toys. Time to lighten up! Walk through the Workshop, noticing the details of the different rooms, while noticing how comfortable you feel here. In my Workshop, I have a big room, a kitchen, spa bath, several libraries & a board meeting room. You'll read about these in detail later on.
Look out the window & admire the view. Pay attention to the wild like, plants, sky & how the weather is in this moment. Your weather is a great metaphor for your current emotional crayons. Now bring in some additional senses. You might tap on the window pane, hearing the tapping sound resonating in your ears. Sit down in one of the chairs, feeling the texture of the fabric & how your body positions into the chair, relaxing deeply. This is a time set aside for you & your selfWork. Enjoy this idea.
Copyright 2009 Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
May not be copied or reproduced without permission of the author.
Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht is author of Sugar...the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick It. She is also the writer/producer of over 350 mp3/CD programs in the areas of medicine, health, prevention, addictions, self-development & sports for adults & children.
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