Friday, October 23, 2009

Genetics Count!

Not everything is how it seems on the surface. Every individual has a genetic & behavioral history & while millions of people have addictions, each is different, thereby needing different healing approaches. In your self-assessment work you will be looking in detail at your family medical history, as well as your own personal medical and health self-care, just as if you opened a file drawer in a doctor's office. Only this file will have much more detailed information, as well as inner movies for you to study. The more you learn about yourself, your genetics and family-tendencies towards certain diseases and addictions, the better for your recovery and future health.

It's possible that you never thought about this area of your life before and this may be quite a revelation. Certain genetically diseases that run in families are linked to producing hormones that are connected to bingeing, addictions, eating disorders, pre-disease states and stress issues that can interfere with cognitive functioning and mental wellness. Gaining knowledge, as well as understanding these links can help you to better manage your own life. Some of those genetically linked disease include adult onset diabetes, reactive hypoglycemia, hypertension, circulatory disease, heart disease, hormonally related cancers, obesity and all addictions.

Keep in mind that your grandparents also had parents who gifted them with their genetics. It is possible to look back into your history and find those very tendencies that you experience in your life today. Here in the assessment we will only explore back to your grandparents, their specific tendencies towards diseases and addictions. You do need to manage these in order to experience high level health and performance in all areas of your life. Take a moment to review the medical history of your genetically connected family, making a list of those diseases and addictions that elevate your "tendency towards." The longer the list, the higher your tendency, not only towards these diseases, but your need to prevent these by managing your food, beverage, stress and compulsive/emotional behaviors.


" My family has lots of those diseases and I have a history of sugar addiction. It’s been getting worse over the years, and now at the age of 36 my levels on concentration are so bad that by the middle of the afternoon I simply want to go to sleep. It’s like I’m drugged. Is this related to my family history or how I eat?"

More than likely Claire is having an afternoon low blood sugar. Her family is positive for those diseases that lead to insulin over-production and resistance. If she has not been eating correctly for her genetic wallpaper, this is most likely what is going on. The good news is that she can change her outcomes if she chooses.

Many chemical changes go on inside your body. Some are related to food and some are not, but what you eat and drink will have an effect on what you feel. When the blood insulin levels are too high, there is a desire or craving for sugar foods. This is the body attempting to normalize itself. Sometimes the desire is for refined sugars and other times for the higher glycemic carbohydrates. When you answer the body with foods such as these your insulin levels will appear to normalize, but within a short time you are likely to feel another drop in blood sugar, and this time it may be even harder.

Genetics are not your fault, so no more hiding under rocks or blaming the past. You can now uncover this information, come to understand while learning to benefit from it. There isn’t anything, genetic or otherwise that doesn’t have a benefit somewhere inside of it. Here you will uncover these jewels.

You will also be exploring your family-related emotional history, as well as your automatic mind programs for managing stress. In order to know what you need, you must first know what you have. Inner exploring helps us to uncover programs that both help or hinder. Sometimes these are deeply buried in forgotten areas and this assessment will help to bring these back to you. For example, when I was about eight years old and felt stress from living in a dysfunctional family, I would go outside and play in the woods or practice running. As I look back now, I am amazed at how well I learned to cope despite my young age. This energizes me, because if I could do it then, I can certainly do it now and even better as I have more power as an adult.


Let's begin by having a look at your past health files, as well as your current health. You might want to open your journal to a blank page. Your subconscious mind is sensitive to the presentation of limitations and will be oblige by either limiting or expanding the information provided to you, so be sure to give it good direction. This holds true for time limitations, as well as writing. So if you are feeling rushed or procrastination has come to visit, simply notice it and diminish it. Remember, you are in charge, not your emotional states.

It is a good idea to make your journal or writing work for your eyes only, especially at first viewing. Your inner mind will be willing to show you more if it has that inner security. While it is fine to discuss your work with others, practice being prudent. Many people who are have addictions tend to be compulsive and so this is a good opportunity, as well as a worthwhile cause to practice self-control.

This is also a good time to practice both inner and outer organization. Your subconscious mind librarian likes order and will bring more files forward when order is recognized. When your life is indicating that you are over-whelmed or existing in clutter, both the mind and body move out of the creative mode and into survival mode. You feel this as stress in your body, as well as in your mind. As you get better at these tools, you will begin to recognize the early arrival of stress, instead of waking up when it is fully engaged and raging.

You might like to clear your desk except for your journal or pen, turn off your cell phone or unplug your regular phone and make certain you will not be disturbed for the period of time you have decided to work on this project. If you are working directly on your computer, close other programs and turn off all instant messaging. All of this preparation sends the message to your subconscious mind that important work is about to begin here and the law of expectation will prevail.


Copyright 2009 Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
May not be copied or reproduced without permission of the author.

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht is author of Sugar...the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick It. She is also the writer/producer of over 350 mp3/CD programs in the areas of medicine, health, prevention, addictions, self-development & sports for adults & children.